Monday, March 31, 2008

yet again idler arm

After the table is centered, then we can center the hole in the arm in the center hole left by the last guy.
You can see that a 1-1/2 inch shim will be close.
Then we can bolt down the y-axis. A little beercan shim and it is still better than Jacobs.

More idler arm

Prairie edge finder (1" bit in a 1+" hole). Sorta like Sonoran's Global warming show found all the edges in town.

Seems like we can find the center more accurately than Jacobs can.

Drill out the idler arm

The 1/2 reamer is the long tall texan.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

a passel of pauluses on Easter Monday:
Grandma Gerry
Grandma Myrna
Grandpa Ralph

Idler shaft rebuild

Down 4 inches the TIR is about .012.

TIR is less than .001 on the top of the shaft.

The square shows me how bad the light is and how bad my eyes are.