Sunday, April 20, 2008

Global warming

It only takes a little snow and a lotta blow to make the Versatile look insignificant.

Farming would be easier inside

Snowed in on the 19th & 20th of April. Who'd a thunk it?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The other republican

Every third firing 3 or 4 tubes decide to burn their propane inside the mixing tubes. The tubes get scorched, the racket is annoying, and the pros pass responsibility back and forth.
Mom's got new tubes, new igniter, updated controller, manometered pressure checks, checks in the combustion chamber..... and it still whistles.
(the combine idler is still on the drill press)

Our resident republican

Squalling like an overtaxed republican at 40 psi, Albert said, 'the packing gets hard.'
I said, ' Would you come fix it?'
Albert said, 'no.'
Two hours of digging out packing, and two hours of repacking would have cost enough to replace the pump.
But hey... we have a relic in the basement still pumping water!
(And the combine idler is still on the drill press.)


Do you remember the road south past the ST a couple of miles? Fullbright's tall wheat grass barriers and blow dirt piles? Well, good ole FSA says no more easy money. Somebody has to burn off the cover and kill the grass so that someday the government will pay to put it back into grass?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Shortgrass prairie

While cutting up a blown down tree, we find tenants inside. No rent do they pay. The state forester must be befuddled. We sent him some of the tenants, but he says 'don't worry. be happy'

Monday, March 31, 2008

yet again idler arm

After the table is centered, then we can center the hole in the arm in the center hole left by the last guy.
You can see that a 1-1/2 inch shim will be close.
Then we can bolt down the y-axis. A little beercan shim and it is still better than Jacobs.